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Marlin S Addison


Marlin is nationally recognized as a leading expert in the development and practice of simulation-based energy efficient building design. Evidence of his expertise in the field of advanced building energy simulation include:

  • 35+ years of specialized professional experience in building energy simulation that dates from the near-founding of the field and launch of the industry (1982)

  • Clinical Associate Professor at Arizona State University’s Design School, 2002 to present ― first of only a handful of programs in the U.S. to provide graduate education in building energy use simulation.

  • Since 1997, a principal developer (under J.J. Hirsch) of leading whole-building energy simulation design tools including:  DOE-2,  PowerDOE® and eQUEST. eQUEST has been the most widely used detailed building energy simulation tool for the past 15 years, used as the basis for ~70% of all USGBC LEED submittals (source: Rocky Mountain Institute).

  • Since 1989, presented >300 multi-day seminars on detailed energy simulation methods to:

    • U.S. Department of Energy,

    • ASHRAE, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers

    • Sandia, NREL, PNNL and ORNL national laboratories, the Rocky Mountain Institute

    • Numerous internationally recognized A&E firms

    • Thousands of professional practitioners, sponsored by electric utilities across the U.S.

  • Provided simulation services for the nation’s most notable sustainable building projects, including:

    • National Audubon Society Headquarters in New York City (1989),

    • Headquarters of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Wash., D.C. (1991)

    • West Coast Headquarters of the Natural Resources Defense Council in Santa Monica, CA (2004)

    • Empire State Building in NYC (2008, for Johnson Controls and Rocky Mountain Institute)  

  • Four AIA COTE (Committee on the Environment) “Top Ten” awards, the AIA’s most prestigious national award recognizing sustainable building design (1998, 2005, 2006, and 2007)

Marlin S Addison: Team
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